You can pick the size of the patrol you want and add them in your game to help down the villagers to get rid of bandits.ĭOWNLOAD BUYPATROLS MOD 5. The small pack comes with 16 patrols, the medium has 32 and large has 48. Using the config option you can customize, you can buy up-to three patrols ranging from small to large. BuyPatrols will let you hire patrols who will guard your settlements. If you are annoyed with Bandits robbing your village then this Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is the best one to go for.

BuyPatrols – Protect Villages from Bandits Just cut anyone.ĭOWNLOAD CUT THROUGH EVERYONE MOD 4. In Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord getting surrounded means defeat, add this mod, and cut your way through the units. This also includes breaking down enemies with a spear or small group of soldiers. You can even cut your way through a group of archers in your way. It allows you to cut through multiple units considering the armor and weapon types. It will give you Thor-like power to cut through a group of enemies. Want some help in killing enemies, then this mod is worth giving a try. Xorberax’s Cut Through Everyone – Modify NPC Appearance Refer to the Modding Gauntlet UIs Without C# page for information on how to mod Gauntlet UIs without using any C#.DOWNLOAD CHARACTER CREATION MOD 3.Refer to the Basic C# Mod page for an example of how to set up, build and run code in Bannerlord.Refer to the Folder Structure page for additional information on what additional directories to add depending on the intended content of your mod.You can see an example here or find the full documentation here Create a SubModule.xml file in your new folder.Create a new folder in the Modules directory in your game files, the name of the folder must be the name of your SubModule.In Bannerlord an individual mod is called a Module and the only required part is the SubModule folder itself and a SubModule.xml file which informs the launcher of your mod. The module-based modding system makes modding in Bannerlord much easier than past games in the series and allows for much more complexity in your mods. This includes scenes, items, cultures, characters, Gauntlet UIs, and many more.

There are several aspects of the game you can mod without C#.